Beginning Friday, March 20, 2020, Turner Valentine, LLC will be virtually open for business during our regularly scheduled hours. We will operate mostly from remote home offices. We can still be reached at our office phone number (574-371-2052). It will continue to be answered live during business hours.
Unless you make other special arrangements, all client and potential client meetings will occur via telephone or video conferencing. We are happy to set up either for you or you can go directly to our booking webpage and book an appointment online! We will also use our technology to assist you in electronically signing documents as needed. We will receive payments by phone and electronic submission, or you can mail payment to the office and it will be received in our daily mail.
The IN Supreme Court has granted waivers to the majority of surrounding county courts to eliminate most non-essential hearings into mid-April. If you have an upcoming hearing, you should contact our office to get direction as to how/when your hearing will proceed.
Thank you for your patience as we all work together in these unprecedented times.